We Asked Google and ChatGPT 5 Home Improvement Questions and This Is What We Found

We compare the results of a test of Google and ChatGPT to see which platform offers the most up-to-date and accurate home improvement information.

We are hurtling toward the future at a rapid pace. New and advanced technology is becoming more and more available to the average Joe, and forming part of our daily lives; the internet and the way we search for information are prime examples. Recently we have seen the emergence of new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and applications, with 2022 being the year of the surge of generative AI. Among these advancements is the development of advanced language models like ChatGPT.

Like Google, ChatGPT has the ability to “understand” and respond to natural language inputs, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications. But can it be compared to Google when seeking information?

In the case of home improvement, whether looking for cost information when planning a project, the latest interior design trends, or some handy DIY tips, many homeowners turn to Google.

What would happen if we asked the same home improvement queries that we often ask Google to ChatGPT?

What is ChatGPT and how does it compare to Google?

ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) chatbot created and developed by OpenAI, which allows users to ask it questions, get it to write a short story or movie synopsis, answer test questions, and even debug code, among other features. LLMs are trained with massive amounts of data and have the task of accurately predicting what word comes next in a series of words. ChatGPT is designed in a way to give the user the feeling they are having human interaction, making the answers seem somewhat more trustworthy and factual. But is it? And how does it stack up against Google?

Google is still most people’s go-to source of information when searching for answers to various queries. It offers different websites for users to click through and peruse based on what it believes to be the most relevant and reliable source for any given query. However, with the growing popularity surrounding AI, it begs the question: Could ChatGPT really overtake Google?

We decided to do a test.

As one of the leading resources in home remodeling, Fixr.com knows what’s what when it comes to improving your home. Therefore we asked both Google and ChatGPT an array of typical questions homeowners have. We compared their answers to see which gives the better home improvement advice. Does ChatGPT offer better responses about home improvement?

After all, they did ask for our feedback.

We’ve copied what appears in snippets as Google’s top search result (as this is supposedly what Google believes to be the best) and copied the full answer ChatGPT generated.

Here are the results.

The home improvement information test and results:

1. How much does it cost to build a single-family home in the U.S.?

Google’s top search result:

ChatGPT’s response:

Analysis: In general, Google looks to offer you the most accurate and updated information for your search. Yet their top result offers an answer which is way off the information Fixr.com provides. The average cost to build a house is $493,000. ChatGPT generates similar figures, quoting industry heavy-weights NAHB. Costs vary widely of course, but the national average in 2023 is higher than before.

ChatGPT wins this round.

2. What is the most energy-efficient refrigerator?

Google’s top search result:

ChatGPT’s response:

Analysis: When asking this question, we assume that a homeowner would like some specific models and brands to compare. Google offers a list, which coincides with those listed in Fixr.com’s review of energy-efficient appliances that save you money. While ChatGPT’s response is not wrong and does offer accurate information, we believe it struggles to interpret the user’s intent here.

Google wins this round.

3. How do I know if I should replace my roof?

Google’s top search result:

ChatGPT’s response:

Analysis: As we can see here, both Google and ChatGPT give us similar explanations. Having similar responses from both platforms may not necessarily mean accuracy, but in this instance, Fixr.com agrees with both about spotting the signs it’s time to replace a roof.

Both Google and ChatGPT win this round.

4. What is the biggest kitchen trend in 2023?

Google’s top search result:

ChatGPT’s response:

Analysis: Here we discover a major flaw with ChatGPT. As of writing, its knowledge is restricted to 2021. If you’re looking for information on current home design trends, you won’t find it there. Google’s top result comes from a reputable, up-to-date source. Some of the trends mentioned also tie in with Fixr.com’s Kitchen Trends Report 2023, which makes us confident in saying:

Google wins this round.

5. Do I need a 3-ton air conditioner?

Google’s top search result:

ChatGPT’s response:

Analysis: Fixr.com notes that a 3-ton air conditioning unit is most often installed in homes that are around 2,000 square feet in size. This ties in with the advice seen in Google’s top result. Homeowners should also note that oversizing their AC unit is not recommended, resulting in higher bills and a shorter lifespan. ChatGPT offers the same warning for under-sizing your unit, and while they are not wrong, they mention this after advising that a 3-ton air conditioner is designed for 1,200-1,400 square foot home. If you’re looking for the most accurate ballpark figure here, then there is only one winner.

Google wins this round.


Overall, Google is better for when you want information on home improvement. But this is only a quick, first look at what each platform offers homeowners when looking for information. There are a few other important things to consider before concluding which one you should really trust.

Important findings and what we should keep in mind

ChatGPT does not have a source of truth.

At first glance, ChatGPT may seem like the perfect interlocutor to which you could ask anything in many different ways and that would give you one valuable answer. However, do not be deceived by its surprisingly human-sounding and perfect-grammar dialogue. As pointed out by OpenAI, “ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers”. This means that the information you get might actually be completely wrong. The results shown above prove its ability to come up with useful answers in many cases, but there are other prompts we have not tried. Right now, there is no way that an average user could double-check the accuracy of this information unless checking on Google or with an expert in the subject matter.

ChatGPT offers different answers each time you ask it the same question.

As already highlighted by OpenAI, attempting the same prompt multiple times can give you different answers. This is a major drawback when looking for information. When we repeated the question “How much does it cost to build a single-family home in the U.S.?” it offered the same source, but from a different year with a different answer: “According to the National Association of Home Builders, the average cost to build a single-family home in the United States in 2020 was around $300,000.” If you were given this answer the first time around, you would have been given out-of-date information.

ChatGPT does not offer recent information.

When we asked it for the latest trends it was unable to do so. While some of the latest information it does have may still be relevant today, it is not a reliable source if you are looking for up-to-date findings. In an ever-changing society, we see big changes happening over short spaces of time. Just take a look at mortgage rates for example.

Google offers many options and different sources.

We have only taken Google’s top result in our test. Yet one thing it offers that ChatGPT does not is an array of different sources. This allows you to do your own research and draw your own conclusions on who to trust. While you may not venture further than the first results page, you can still get more information by clicking on the source. The results shown in our test were snippets, but should you want to know more, most top results on Google offer much deeper information.

Rewording the question can offer different results on Google.

Not everyone types a grammatically correct question when doing an online search. For example, Ahrefs suggests the most popular search term based on keywords instead of “What is the average ROI on a bathroom remodel?” is actually “bathroom remodel roi”. The former turns up a different result than the latter (see below).

“What is the average ROI on a bathroom remodel?”

“bathroom remodel roi”

Above we can see over a 10% difference in answers just because of the way you type your search.

Google caters to your location.

Google will give you information based on your location settings. Something that many homeowners find useful for a country so diverse such as our United States. Local cost information, for example, can vary greatly. So if you are in Los Angeles and you ask “How much does it cost to replace a roof?” you can expect an answer catered to your location despite not stating it (see below).

So who can you trust for information on home improvement?

ChatGPT is an exciting new tool for a homeowner to get quick information in a clear and concise manner. We’ve found that they can answer some of the most common questions on home remodeling in an accurate way. But it is still new, needs improving, and cannot be fully trusted for the use we give it in this article. Although it is undoubtedly set to be a game changer, its pitfalls outweigh the positives at this stage for typical homeowners' requests for information. Google can breathe a sigh of relief for now. User interaction, depth of information, a wide range of sources, and results based on expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness make it one of the handiest tools available. Yet, to emphasize the potential of ChatGPT and other similar tools, Google’s founders have agreed to look into adding chatbot features.

Ultimately it is up to each homeowner to decide where they source their information before undertaking a home improvement project. Fixr.com always recommends using authoritative and trustworthy sources online, as well as speaking to local professional contractors to get the best information for your specific project.


We used Google’s ‘incognito’ setting to carry out searches. The location of the searches was set to New York City. All searches on Google and queries asked to ChatGPT were carried out in January 2023. We took ChatGPT’s first response and used the exact same wording for both searches on Google and queries on ChatGPT.

About the Author

Adam Graham

Adam Graham is an industry analyst at Fixr.com. He analyzes and writes about the real estate and home construction industries, covering a range of associated topics. He has been featured in publications such as Better Homes and Gardens and The Boston Globe, and written for various outlets including the National Association of Realtors, and Insurance News Net Magazine.

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