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How We Chose Them
Analysts and experts at Fixr.com scoured the US to find the experts who have been making strides in home construction recently. They were chosen based on a number of factors, including: their vast experience in the industry, attention grabbing projects, local and national reputation in the media and specialist publications, and awards and achievements.
Be Inspired by the Experts
Building a new home or undertaking a major renovation project is a big deal. People look for guidance, advice, and expertise on an array of factors before getting to work. The Top 200 list gives you the experts you can turn to for advice and inspiration.
There are many things to think about and oftentimes there are issues you may not have even considered. Whether it be energy efficiency and sustainability, being on-trend with the most up-to-date interior design, or choosing the right materials for your needs, tastes, and budget, the experts can help point you in the right direction.
If you are a fellow construction expert, taking note of other top professionals' ideas, projects and revolutionary innovations can help when dealing with and advising your own clients.
Follow the Experts to Discover Where the Industry Is Heading
Whether you are planning a home building or renovation project, work in the industry, or simply have an interest in the latest in home design, be sure to check out the Top 200 Construction Experts in 2022. Let their expertise, experience, and vision guide and inspire you this year to achieve your own aspirations.