Updated: January 31, 2025

Reviewed by Irene Pomares remodeling expert. Written by Fixr.com.
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Wasps are important insects for the environment. They eat other insects and parasites that harm plants and crops. They actually help keep some plagues under control, but they can be very annoying and even dangerous if they decide to nest somewhere near your property. If that happens, you may want to call a professional pest control specialist.
The average cost to remove a wasp nest ranges from $325-$450 or more depending on the location of the nest and the amount of carpentry repair that may need to be done afterward, with the average homeowner spending around $390 on nest inspection and removal from an easy-to-access area.
Wasp Nest Removal Cost
Wasp Removal Cost | |
National average cost | $390 |
Average range | $325-$450 |
Low-end | $160 |
High-end | $750 |
Wasp Extermination Cost by Method
A professional exterminator will come to your home and conduct an inspection by identifying the type of wasp that is troubling you. Upon that identification, they will determine the type of treatment needed and will use an arsenal of dust and aerosol products that are designed to kill the type of wasp you have. The professional has the equipment, products, and know-how to rid your home of wasps. Also, the exterminator will wear the appropriate protective gear to prevent receiving any stings. They will also try to isolate the nest.
Wasp Extermination Method | Cost |
Aerosol | $125 |
Dusting | $200 |
Vacuuming | $250 |
Aerosol Method for Wasp Control
For hanging nests such as paper wasps and bald-faced hornets, the exterminator will use an aerosol that contains tetramethrin and prallethrin. Costs for killing the wasps start around $125, regardless of the exact type of pesticide. Instead of harsh chemicals, the pest exterminator could provide the option of all-natural and green products. In this case, treatment costs start at $150 or more. If the wasps are inside your home, the nest may need to be removed in addition to the extermination, which will cost more—at least upwards of $100 or more added to the normal pesticide rate.
Dusting Method to Exterminate Wasps
For nests that are in the ground, such as yellow jackets, the exterminator will use a dusting method. The dust should contain permethrin, which will stick to the wasps so they will carry it deep into the nest and kill the others inside. Treatment price is likely to start at $200 for this method.
Vacuuming wasps
Wasps may get inside your home through small cracks or crevices. The exterminator may utilize a special vacuum that will fit into these small openings and vacuum out the wasps. In fact, in some cases the vacuumed wasps could be sold to pharmaceutical companies who make the antidote for wasp stings. This type of remedy will cost a minimum of $250.
Wasp Nest Removal Cost by Type of Wasp
Pest specialists may adjust pricing for wasp nest removal based on the type of stinging insect found on your property. If the wasps pose a more serious threat, then extra cautions may be required by the technician. Also, if the wasp nest is in inaccessible locations, pest removal costs also surge. The following are a few common species of wasps and the average cost to remove their nests from your property.
Nest Type | Removal Cost |
Mud Dauber | $300 |
Red Wasp | $325 |
Paper Wasp | $400 |
Hornet | $450 |
Bald Faced Hornet | $625 |
Yellow Jacket | $700 |
Mud Dauber Nest Removal
Mud daubers are easy to identify due to the very thin, sinewy shape of their body. Typically, mud daubers have a black body with a metallic sheen. Mud daubers are named for their nests made out of long mud tubes. These nests are usually found in sheds, barns, attics, and porch ceilings. Mud dauber nest removal cost will start at $300.
Red Wasp Nest Removal
Red wasps measure about an inch long and have red bodies with black wings. Red wasp nests have an umbrella-shape with honeycombs included in the structure. Red wasp nests are constructed from wood pulp and found in easily accessible areas such as window frames, door frames, and eaves. Red wasp hive removal costs begin at $325.
Paper Wasp Removal
To identify a paper wasp, look at the insect’s body color. Oftentimes, paper wasps have brown bodies with yellow or red markings. Paper wasps earn their name from the type of paper nest they build. Constructed out of paper with no outside envelope, they often have a shape resembling an umbrella. Paper wasp nests are usually not concealed in a yard and appear on door frames, railings, branches, and shrubs. Paper wasp nest removal starts at $400.
Hornet Nest Removal
Hornets, also called European hornets, are large stinging insects, usually measuring around 1-inch in size. They have a pale tan face and a yellow and black lower body. Hornets make paper nests with an exterior envelope and often try to conceal the nest in areas such as hollow trees, barns, and attics. In most cases, hornet nests are not difficult to locate as long as one of the pests is tracked back to its location. Hornet nest removal costs for these species start around $450.
Bald Faced Hornet Nest Removal
Despite the name, a bald faced hornet is actually a type of wasp. These are considered social type wasps and have a very distinct large 1-inch black and white body. Bald faced hornets construct their nests from wood pulp. A challenge posed when getting rid of bald faced hornets is the location of their nests. Most nests are large and built near the top of tree canopies. Due to the difficult nature of reaching a bald faced hornet nest, removal costs are at least $625.
Yellow Jacket Nest Removal
Yellow jackets are a type of wasp that typically make their nests underground. These wasps are extremely aggressive and have the capacity to sting multiple times. Yellow jackets have distinct yellow and black coloring, but unlike bumblebees they have a narrower mid-section. Yellow jacket nests are fairly large, at least comparable to the size of a basketball. If not underground, the nests could be deep inside an interior wall. Since nests are difficult to access, prices will start at $700 for wasp nest removal.
Wasp Removal Costs by Location
The accessibility of the wasp nest factors into how much an exterminator charges for removal. Wasp removal in an outdoor location costs much less than interior nest removal. The following are potential areas of the home that could require wasp nest removal services.
Location of Wasps | Removal Cost |
Attic | $325-$450 |
Wall | $350-$875 |
Chimney | $475-$600 |
Wasps in the Attic Removal
In most cases, removing wasps in an attic is the least costly compared to all interior locations. As long as the pest technician can reach the nest without having to perform any construction work, standard charges apply at the rate of $325 to $450. If the pest technician needs to access elevated areas of the attic that are higher than 10 feet, the company may have a surcharge of $25 or more.
Wasps Nest in Wall Removal
In most cases, an exterminator will access the wasps behind a wall with the use of a drill. Small holes are drilled into your walls to allow for a pesticide to be administered. Expect to pay between $350 and $875 for this type of treatment. The range is determined by the size of the wasp infestation. After the wasps have been removed from behind the wall, you can schedule any wall repairs. Expect to pay an average of $180 for drywall repairs.
Wasps in the Chimney Removal
Wasps in chimneys can be simple to target if the nest is located near the base of the structure. If the wasp nest is out of reach, then a technician will use a different method to get the wasps out. First, the fireplace opening and vents are blocked to prevent the wasps from getting into the home. Then, a trap is affixed to the top of the chimney to funnel the wasps out and manually remove them from the property. The cost of wasps in the chimney removal is between $475 and $600.
Wasp Exterminator Cost
There are specific times when you should have a wasp nest removed. For example, if it is anywhere near the entry to your house, near your air conditioning unit, or where you frequently walk. If the wasp nest is out in the backyard, high out of reach, you can probably leave it; wasps do have some benefits to the area. If the wasps become problematic, talk to a pest control specialist for guidance.
If you do have to remove a wasps nest, typical exterminator costs will run between $125-$200. This covers the initial inspection and treatment, including the use of chemical dusts, aerosols, and liquids to treat the nest in order to kill the nesting adults.The degree of infestation will also help determine if you require follow-up visits by the exterminator at a cost of $100 or more, particularly if the wasps are inside the walls of your home. After the wasps are killed, the nest can be removed, usually included in the cost of the treatment, however, you may need to pay up to $100 more if the wasps are in a difficult to reach location.
If the wasps have built an extremely large nest in your walls, you may require more carpentry work to remove it and repair the damage. A carpenter charges around $70 an hour, and repair work may take a minimum of three to four hours to do.
All About Wasps
According to National Geographic, a wasp is a widely diverse insect that has over 30,000 species. Often times, people may confuse them with bees, but they are distinctly different insects with different looks and behaviors. Wasps have a pointed abdomen whereas a bee's abdomen is more rounded. Wasps also have a very narrow waist and come in a variety of colors from browns and yellow to reds and even blues. The brighter colored wasps tend to be the ones that sting; and wasps can sting multiple times, whereas bees can only sting once before dying. Because their nests, habits, and removal are so different, you will need to determine what type of infestation you have.
There are over 30,000 species of wasps, but the most common types of wasps in North America are yellow jackets, paper wasps, and bald-faced hornets. Yellow jackets are identified by their bright yellow and black coloring.
Where Do Wasps Nest
Wasps can nest underground, in hollow trees, and in cracks or crevices. Paper wasps build paper-like nests that are honeycombed, typically hanging from a tree, bush, or the eaves of a building. The bald-faced hornets are larger and black & white. They build nests similar to paper wasps only much larger, up to 3 feet tall.
In some cases, wasps build their nests in very difficult areas to reach. As an example, yellow jackets often build nests underground, which requires excavation. Inside the house, yellow jackets and other types of wasps may seek out nesting grounds behind the walls or in the rafters of the garage or attic.
Are Wasps Dangerous?
Wasps can be a nuisance, especially if they build their nest under your eaves or near an entrance to your house. Aside from the pain of a sting, a wasp sting allergy can be very dangerous. According to the Seattle Children’s Hospital, as many as 95% of stings in North America are inflicted by the yellow jacket or honey bee. However, all wasps can sting, even when not provoked. The venom injected during a wasp sting is very poisonous to people who have a wasp allergy and usually takes effect in two to three minutes, according to Ohio State University. Symptoms can range from a small, puffy, red area, to a large swelling of the limb, to anaphylaxis, an extreme condition that needs immediate medical care. People that have an extreme allergy to wasp stings typically carry an Epipen, a measured shot of epinephrine that will fight the venom while you are being taken to the hospital. An Epipen is not a replacement for medical attention; it is a means to buy you time to get to the hospital.
Can Wasps Damage Your House?
The most pressing type of damage wasps can cause in the home is destroying structural elements, such as beams, flooring, and walls. Certain species of wasps make their nests out of wood pulp and derive the fibers from pieces of the ceiling, walls, and floors. The more that the wasps chew up these materials, the more likely that structural failures could occur.
Some wasps like to build nests behind the walls of your home. To get to these areas, the exterminator needs to create holes to enter and exit through, Once the wasps are removed, these holes need to be repaired and painted. This damage can also occur outside on porch railings, under the deck, window frames, and doorframes. If the wasps target these areas, you may need to make repairs or replacements.
Wasps vs Hornets
One easy way to tell the difference between a wasp and hornet is body shape. Hornets tend to have a rounder body shape with a larger build. Conversely, hornets have long and lean bodies with dangling legs. Head shapes are also different between a hornet and a wasp with the hornet having a wider head. Wasps have a brighter color than hornets with hornets obtaining more black and white on their bodies.
Nesting habits differ between wasps and hornets. Wasps can be solitary and not nest at all. In comparison, hornets are always social creatures. They nest in trees, shrubs and below decking materials. Wasps that are social tend to nest in the same areas, but may also attempt to make nests inside structures.
Most notably, hornets have less aggressive personalities than wasps. Hornets won’t sting unless provoked by you or your pet. However, hornet stings are more dangerous than wasp stings with some hornet stings proving fatal to humans and pets. Both hornets and wasps sting multiple times.
Emergency Wasp Nest Removal
In most cases, removing wasps from your outdoor space isn’t an emergency. Until the pest control specialist comes, you should simply avoid the nesting area and leave any wasps on your property alone. Never attempt to confront wasps on your own or kill them with DIY methods like home improvement store DIY sprays or swatting them dead. However, there are more urgent reasons to get rid of wasps and hornets. The following are examples of when you may need emergency wasp removal services:
- You or a family member are allergic to wasp stings
- Suspected nest is located inside your home
- Aggressive species of wasps are located on your property like yellow jackets
- Household pets are being stung by the wasps
Emergency service calls may cost an extra $50 to $100 on top of the pest control specialist’s normal rate.
Wasp Prevention
There are several things you can do to deter wasps from nesting near your home.
- Seal entry points to your home or building
- Remove food sources such as pet food and open garbage containers, and cover compost piles.
- Avoid swatting. A squashed wasp releases a pheromone which attracts other nearby wasps.
- Avoid wearing bright colors or floral patterns; you don't want to look like a big flower with nectar.
- Minimize use of perfumes and other sweet scents as wasps are attracted to sweet smells, especially later in the summer.
- Bee Free Wasp Deterrent. Based on the premise that wasps do not build near other wasp nests, this deterrent looks like a wasp nest, but is more similar to a Chinese lantern that is gray and more nest shaped. It is easy to hang and will deter wasps from building nests under your eaves.
- Glass Wasp Trap. This is a pretty-colored container that you fill with some water and a lure. The wasps fly up through the bottom and are trapped, eventually drowning in the water.
Additional Considerations and Costs
- The two best times for extermination are in the spring just as they are starting to build their nests, and in the fall to get any leftovers that were not killed in the first go-round.
- Believe it or not, there are some benefits to having wasps around. They eat crop destroying bugs like grub, flies, crickets, caterpillars, and the like. In addition, they carry pollen, which is important to plant growth.
- Do not disturb the wasp nest in any way such as hitting, burning, or flooding. Each of these attempt will only lead to the wasps getting angry and attacking you. You would risk multiple stings, damage to your home from burns, or water damage. The best choice is to call a professional exterminator.
- Free wasp nest removal is difficult to come by. Free bee removal is more commonplace. In some areas, a beekeeper is hired to remove a bee’s nest as a way to harvest the honey. Free wasp nest removal is possible in the rare case that a company is available to harvest the wasps and sell the venom to scientific agencies.
- How much does it cost to get rid of a wasp nest?
The average cost of removing a nest from an easy to reach location is between $325 and $450. Costs will go up as high as $1,000 if the nest is difficult to reach or if it requires carpentry to repair the area.
- How do you kill a wasp?
Wasps are usually killed with a mixture of dust and aerosol chemicals designed to target the type of wasp that you have in your home. In some cases, they may also be vacuumed up.
- How do you get rid of wasps?
Getting rid of wasps is usually a multi-step process. Removing the nest as well as using dust or aerosol chemicals and vacuuming up large amounts of the pests are the most commonly used methods.
- How do you remove a bee's nest?
Bee’s nests are removed by opening up walls or cavities to reach the nest, smoking to quiet the bees, then prying the nest from its location. In many cases, the nest may be left intact and the bees transported to a new location. In some hard to reach areas, the nest may need to be dismantled to remove it.
- How do you get rid of a wasp nest?
Wasp nests are usually removed by either dusting, spraying, or vacuuming out the wasps to ensure they are dead. The nest can now be easily pulled from its location, provided that it is of the paper variety.
- How many wasps are in a wasp nest?
The number of wasps a nest may hold depends largely on the type of wasp and the size of the nest. Nests may hold anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 wasps at a time. Very large nests may hold up to 10,000 wasps.
- How do I get rid of wasps in my house?
If the wasps are in the house, it’s best to call a specialist. They will determine the type of wasp, kill them, and remove the nest. If necessary, they may also be able to help with repairs if the wasps have damaged your home. To deal with the problem yourself, consider using a spray-type pesticide designed to kill wasps. Saturate the nest before attempting to remove it. Leaving the nest may encourage them to return, so always take the nest out once the wasps are dead.
- FIXR Cost Guides and Cost Database.
- Good Housekeeping. “How to Wasp-Proof Your Backyard This Summer."
https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/a20707173/wasp-proof-your-yard/ - Missouri Botanical Garden. “Wasps.”
https://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/help-for-the-home-gardener/advice-tips-resources/pests-and-problems/insects/wasps.aspx - National Geographic. “Wasps.”
http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/bugs/wasp/ - NYC Health. “Wasps.”
https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/wasps.page - Seattle Children's Hospital. “Bee or Yellow Jacket Sting."
https://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/bee-or-yellow-jacket-sting/ - Terminix. “Get Rid of Paper Wasps Fast.”
https://www.terminix.com/pest-control/wasps/ - Terminix. “How to Remove a Wasp Nest.”
https://www.terminix.com/blog/home-garden/how-to-remove-a-wasp-nest/ - Washington State Department of Health. “Bees and Wasps."
https://www.doh.wa.gov/communityandenvironment/pests/beesandwasps - Western Exterminator. “How to get rid of wasps nests."