Updated: August 17, 2022

Reviewed by Irene Pomares remodeling expert. Written by Fixr.com.
To provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date cost figures, we gather information from a variety of pricing databases, licensed contractors, and industry experts.
Birds tend to nest inside structures, and that is why they may choose your home to take up long-term residence. Bird control is extremely important due to the extensive damage they can cause to a home in a short time. Most importantly, the presence of these animals inside a home carry a health risk, since they are carriers of serious diseases that they can pass onto humans. To keep family members safe and avoid costly repairs for structural damage, remove birds promptly by a professional.
The average cost to remove bird nests ranges between $350 and $650, with the average homeowner spending around $500 on initial assessment, single bird live capture and nest removal with relocation and cleanup services. The costs run as low as $200 to assess and remove nests from an attic to as high as $2,000 to assess the area, capture a bird, remove a nest, and then install netting and seal gaps to prevent additional infestations.
Cost to Remove Bird Nest
Bird Removal Cost | |
National average cost | $500 |
Average range | $350-$650 |
Low-end | $200 |
High-end | $2,000 |
Bird Removal Cost by Method
Bird removal options depend on several factors. A wildlife control specialist will assess the problem before making any recommendations. After an inspection and assessment, the birds that are already present need to be removed. If they are not currently at the location, deterrents can prevent them from coming back. Spikes and netting are the most common methods to keep these animals from nesting or visiting a roof or other location.
Method | Average Cost (Labor Included) |
Spikes | $90 - $140 |
Netting | $150 - $1,200 |
Humane Removal | $300 - $600 |
Bird Spike Installation
Bird spikes are usually sold in 2-feet sections and start at $40 each with an additional $50 to $100 per hour of labor. Bird spikes repel birds and other climbing pests with spears that range in height from 1 inch to 10 inches. They are most often installed on ledges but can be placed on any flat surface. The spikes are not made to hurt the animals but to make the location where they are resting or nesting less comfortable, so they will leave and find other places to spend their time.
Bird Netting Installation
Netting starts at $150, including labor for a 25 x 25-foot section, and costs upwards of $1,200 to install larger nets. A professional can install wire netting and spikes as deterrents to invading birds. Both are used for prevention and removal. Wire bird netting is a humane way to stop them from entering a specific area. When the bird flies out, it is unable to return. Netting is also useful to seal openings and roosting sites so small animals cannot reach these areas.
Humane Bird Removal
For a single bird, a company charges around $300 to capture and relocate the bird and sanitize the area. For nest removal, the average cost is $600 for a single nest with live bird capture in an easily accessible location with cleanup and relocation services. Companies may also offer live capture using bait and traps to remove birds. Humane removal services ensure the birds are not hurt during the removal process.
Average Cost of Bird Removal by Type
Most species of birds are not a problem when seen around your home. Only a few of them make their nests inside a residence. Identifying the birds on your property helps a wildlife control specialist remove them safely. Also, if you can identify the bird, you will know the laws protecting the animal. You could face severe fines if you harm a protected species, such as the Brown-Headed Cowbird, Eastern Bluebird, and the American Goldfinch.
Crows, pigeons, and wrens are among the most common types of birds to remove, making services related to them the least expensive. For example, the typical pigeon removal cost is only $100 to $300. These common birds tend to nest in roofs or solar panels and can be moved to a new location before roof spikes are installed to prevent them from coming back.
Bluebirds, house sparrows, and house martins have a moderate price for removal at about $300 to $500. House martins are protected by law, so active nests cannot be removed. However, inactive nests can be removed before installing screening or mesh to prevent nesting in the future. Bluebirds may also be protected. However, house sparrows are considered nuisance birds, and nests can be removed at any time.
For removing woodpeckers and barn swallows, costs range from $450 to $650. Both of these birds are protected, so harming them or their nests is illegal. However, deterrents can prevent them from nesting on residential homes. When the nest is not being used, it can be removed from the property. A professional bird removal company can handle the process.
Type | Average Removal Cost |
Crow | $100 - $300 |
Pigeon | $100 - $300 |
Wren | $100 - $300 |
Bluebird | $300 - $500 |
House Sparrow | $300 - $500 |
House Martin | $300 - $500 |
Barn Swallow | $450 - $650 |
Woodpecker | $450 - $650 |
Bird Nest Removal Cost by Location
Nesting birds make a lot of noise, and the materials from the nest can block vents, gutters, and drains. Nests can also be constructed in areas that could be dangerous for birds, such as walkways and chimneys. Some birds even make their nests inside grills and lawnmowers. It is vital to make certain live birds have a way to escape an area before it is sealed off. Also, some birds are protected by wildlife laws, so identifying the type of bird you have is an essential part of removal.
Location | Average Cost (Labor Included) |
Attic | $100 - $300 |
Garage | $100 - $300 |
Light Fixtures | $100 - $300 |
Chimney | $200 - $500 |
Gutters | $200 - $500 |
Solar Panels | $200 - $500 |
Vent | $200 - $500 |
Eaves | $200 - $800 |
Soffit | $200 - $800 |
Roof | $300 - $1,200 |
Bird Removal From the Attic
Sparrows or starlings are the most common nesters in the attic, with removal costs of $100 to $300. Their nests can often be found in attic vents as they wish to gain access to the attic. Typically, a professional will install exclusion netting as this prevents the birds from returning to the nest. If prevention solutions are installed, this increases the cost of services from a wildlife removal expert.
If you have a bird’s nest in the garage, it should be inactive to be removed. The cost to remove the nest is $100 to $300. To keep birds from coming back in, keep the garage door shut as often as possible and install a decoy or sonic sound deterrent mechanism at an additional cost of $100 to $200.
To get a bird out of the garage, it is best to leave them be. But if you have waited a brief period of time, you may try closing the door for about 30 minutes with the lights off. This can calm the bird and then when you open the door, he may fly out. Hummingbirds like bright light and colors so placing a bright object near the garage door may lure them out.
Light Fixtures
The average price for removing a bird’s nest from a light fixture is $100 to $300. Birds often choose to nest in these fixtures because they are warm and have just enough space for an average-sized nest. Removing the nest a bird has left in a fixture is fairly simple for a professional. The actual price depends on the type of fixture, kind of nest, the location, and how hard the fixture is to access. Expect additional charges if you choose to have bird netting installed to prevent the problem from occurring in the future.
Remove Birds From Chimney
Getting a nest removed from a chimney costs about $200 to $500. One of the most popular places for the Chimney Swift bird to nest, it can take a while for you to realize these pesky creatures have nested in your chimney. Birds can be removed from a chimney through trapping or smoking. The nest can then be removed by a professional. Adding a chimney cap or closing the flue prevents additional birds from nesting in the space.
It is not safe for a bird’s nest to remain in a gutter; the cost to remove the nest ranges from $200 to $500. Gutters are lightweight and may not be able to withstand the weight of the nest and its occupants. However, check with your state and local laws about relocating the nest if it is active. An inactive nest can be removed and gutters sealed. If prevention is important after the nest is removed, gutter guards can be installed for an additional cost.
Solar Panels
Removing birds from solar panels ranges from $200 to $500. Birds, including pigeons, often find solace from rain, heat, and predators by building a nest under solar panels. It can be difficult to remove the nests as there is usually only about 8 inches between the panel and the roof. The birds can create a mess, do damage to your solar panel, and affect the energy efficiency of the panels. To keep birds away from solar panels, a professional needs to remove inactive nests and install roof spikes and bird nets to prevent new pigeons from nesting.
Remove Birds From a Vent
Birds enjoy making nests in hidden areas like vents. The cost to remove those nests ranges from $200 to $500. You may find a bird nest in the bathroom vent or a flock of birds in the bathroom vent. Generally, a wildlife removal expert will want to install exclusion netting after the nest is removed. This prevents other birds from nesting in the area but adds cost to the service.
Having a bird’s nest removed from the eaves of a home costs between $200 and $800. This prevents birds from nesting in this warm and comfortable area. A professional wildlife removal expert ensures the nest is not protected and removes it from the eaves. To prevent other birds from moving into the same area, mesh wiring can be added, and cracks can be sealed. This adds cost to the service.
The removal of bird nests from soffits typically costs about $200 to $800. Some cost factors include the number of birds, the location of the home, and what story where the birds are located. The higher the birds, the more work it takes to remove the nests. After the inactive nest is removed, sealing holes and gaps is recommended but costs extra.
Removing birds from a roof costs between $300 and $1,200. This process can be more expensive since the technician must climb onto the roof to provide their services. This is more dangerous than removing a bird’s nest from a location closer to the ground and takes longer, driving up the labor fee. In addition, if there are multiple birds, the size of the roof and the number of birds may need to be considered.
Emergency Bird Removal
If you require emergency bird removal services, expect to spend $100 to $200 in addition to the normal prices. In some cases, the bird removal process may be an emergency. This could be the case if a bird is in the home and causing destruction to the property. This is a situation where you should immediately seek out an emergency appointment. Stay away from the bird and wait for a professional to arrive. Emergency services are also useful if you believe a bird may be sick since some diseases can pass to humans or pets.
Dead Bird Removal
While a bird removal service cost for live animals ranges from $100 to $2,000, removing dead birds is slightly different. In most cases, removing a dead bird costs between $100 and $400. However, the cost increases if several dead birds need to be removed. In many cases, this includes the removal of the carcass, odor neutralization, sanitization, and disinfectant.
When Can I Remove a Birds' Nest?
When you locate a bird’s nest around your home, your first instinct may be to remove it. However, that might not be the right thing to do. Before doing so, make sure there are no eggs or chicks. If either is present but birds are not, the birds might be searching for food. It is best to leave the nest until it is not being used anymore. It can also be removed while the birds are building it. If the nest is located somewhere humans are, a professional should remove it to avoid spreading disease.
There are state and federal laws regarding the removal of bird nests. For instance, an active migratory bird’s nest can only be relocated or destroyed if you have a permit. The person who applies for it must explain why the destruction or removal needs to occur, prove it is a humane act, and answer questions about the nest type and presence of eggs or chicks. Inactive nests can be removed without the need for a permit.
All About Birds
Birds frighten easily and avoid people and household pets. When they hear movement, they take flight. Since birds are skittish, they rarely nest in inhabited living spaces. Certain types, such as seagulls and blackbirds, are not wary of people and will scavenge nearby humans.
Nests are found virtually anywhere, including the ground, soffits, eaves, gutters, rooftops, chimneys, attics, vents, fire escapes, burrows, ledges, light fixtures, and rafters of barns and garages. You will notice birds in these areas when they are most active, typically at dawn and dusk. However, several bird species are nocturnal, including owls, nighthawks, nightjars, and nightingales.
The lifespan of a bird directly correlates to its size. Larger species live longer than smaller ones. Most birds reproduce usually once a year. However, pigeons, blackbirds, and house sparrows may lay eggs more than 3 times annually.
Throughout the year, bird activity waxes and wanes. In the winter, some species migrate and are no longer seen until the weather warms up. If you live in the south, however, an influx of northern birds come to the area until winter ends. They are most active during the fall and spring when temperatures are mild. During that period, the birds start their migration flights.
A typical bird diet is insects, seeds, worms, and berries. A few species, like crows, have less selective diets and consume food waste. Blackbirds and starlings will aggressively damage crops while searching for food.
Bird Diseases Transmitted to Humans
Birds are associated with numerous health risks. To keep family members and household pets safe, avoid direct contact with adult birds, chicks, eggs, and any nesting materials. Their droppings are also dangerous since they contain parasites that can make a person ill. Some health problems, such as mites, fleas, ticks, fungal infections, and yeast infections, are relatively easy to manage. However, Salmonella, E. coli, avian flu, Saint Louis encephalitis, Newcastle disease, avian tuberculosis, pigeon lung disease, Q fever, and West Nile virus are serious health conditions that require immediate medical care.
Symptoms for these diseases range from mild to severe. Direct contact is not always required to become ill from a bird. Severe infections, such as West Nile virus, are transmitted through mosquitoes that feed on diseased wild birds. Some infections spread through direct contact like a bird bite, but this is rare. Most infections pass to humans through bird droppings that contaminate food and water sources.
Most people do not realize that birds do not carry rabies. Rabies is a virus that is passed by the bite of an infected animal. It attacks the nervous system and will eventually kill its victim. However, rabies is only present in mammals.
Contact a medical professional for treatment options if symptoms develop after coming into contact with a bird or a nest.
Can Birds Damage Your House?
Human health is the biggest concern when birds are present in a home, but structural damage may also occur. Both the interior and exterior could be damaged enough that you need major repair work.
On the exterior of the home, the birds clog gutters with their nests, requiring professional gutter cleaning services. A house may also require roof repair since birds have been known to dislodge roof tiles. The high levels of uric acid in their droppings corrodes siding materials and any other metal. When birds nest near light fixtures, they could damage the wiring and increase the risk of fire.
Droppings are extremely difficult to remove and often leave behind permanent markings on driveways and sidewalks. They are also very slippery and add to your home liability risk in case anyone falls. Often birds destroy gardens when they forage for food. When they come into contact with a crop, they can contaminate it.
Birds inside the home are noisy and disruptive and often have a pungent, strong odor. They are messy and leave feathers everywhere. Droppings stain walls and flooring, which become impossible to clean. Chances also increase for attacking human inhabitants. Furthermore, there is a higher risk of the birds contaminating the food and water inside the home.
How to Prevent Birds From Nesting on Your House?
Prevention methods for birds are not always effective. For example, noise deterrents, fake owls, and scarecrows may work for a short period, but birds are intelligent and often become accustomed to them. Prevent a bird problem before it starts with exclusion techniques. If a homeowner blocks entry points, the bird must relocate. First, check out all areas of the home and look for any holes or openings. Immediately, make any necessary repairs and place covers around any exposed areas like vents. Also, wire mesh netting could be used on the roof and sides of the structure.
Remove any possible food sources around the home. Since some birds are scavengers, keep trash cans covered and clean up any food scraps. Trim shrubs and bushes away from the home. Another prevention method is to clean the gutters since the standing water could attract birds.
Bird Nest vs Squirrel Nest
Sometimes, it can be challenging to determine whether a nest in a tree was created by a bird and a squirrel. However, a close look often answers this question. Squirrel nests, also called drays, can be as large as a basketball or surpass that size. Unlike bird nests, squirrel nests tend to be composed of grass and other soft vegetation rather than twigs and sticks. They typically have a round look. Birds vary in nest appearance by species but typically use more hard materials like sticks. Bird nests range from small to huge and may be found in trees, on human structures, and more.
Type of Nest | Average Cost (Labor Included) |
Squirrel | $100 - $1,500 |
Bird | $200 - $2,000 |
Additional Considerations and Costs
- Legislation. In each state, different birds are protected under the law. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects certain species of birds from being killed. The legislation includes hundreds of birds, which protects not only the birds but also their nests, eggs, and feathers.
- DIY. DIY is not usually recommended for any wildlife removal. Most individuals do not know how to trap and relocate birds safely. Also, certain deterrents like spikes and nettings are complicated to install.
- Avoiding scams. Bird removal costs anywhere from $100 to $2,000, depending on the job. If a price sounds too good to be true, confirm the specialist is trained and licensed before signing any contracts.
- Animal protection. Avoid any poisons or glue traps since they are not humane and may violate animal protection laws.
- Cleanup. Cleanup and sanitation is a part of the service offerings from wildlife removal agencies. After removal, bird feathers, droppings, and nesting materials may be left behind. If the bird or nest was inside the home, the immediate area needs to be sanitized to remove any potentially harmful bacteria.
- Initial assessment. Wildlife control companies often provide free estimates to clients who require bird removal services. An initial assessment fee may be charged but will usually be no more than $50 to $100.
- Service time. The timeline for removing birds depends on the bird’s location. On average, it may take up to a week for a professional to capture the bird and relocate it.
- How much does bird removal cost?
Bird removal costs $90 to $140 for a simple installation of spikes and as much as $1,200 or more for the installation of a large section of wire netting.
- How much does it cost to remove birds from a vent?
Live bird capture from a vent costs around $400 to $500. The cost may increase, depending on the difficulty of removing the bird and for any necessary repairs.
- How much does pigeon removal cost?
Pigeon removal pricing ranges from $100 to $300. The price depends on several factors, such as the company that handles the removal, how many pigeons need to be removed, where the pigeons are located, and the method chosen for removal.
- Does animal control remove birds?
Animal control may assist with bird removal, depending on the type and the location of the nest.
- How do I get rid of birds on my roof?
There are several ways to get birds away from a roof. A trap with food inside is one option. Ultrasonic devices can be used but may affect others in the area. Removing the nest is another option. A professional can also remove the birds for you. Bird spikes and netting installed by a professional are the most effective deterrent methods on a roof.
- Will mothballs get rid of birds?
Mothballs are a natural home remedy but have not been proven to work for deterring birds.